Welcome to the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation
Rainbow Serpent - Shyanne Miller
Get Involved
"The QATSIF scholarship helped my daughter to become the first in her family to graduate from High School and attend University. It opened the way for her to become the high-achieving young Indigenous woman she is today.”
- Mother from St Monica’s College Cairns
Your donation to QATSIF could enable other young Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to succeed.
Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
The Thumpul Greatest Adventure - Lorianna Eseli
Share your Story
Are you a QATSIF Student or Graduate? Has your QATSIF scholarship helped you through your studies? Are you enjoying a successful career and/or experiences following Graduation?
Whatever it is, we would love to hear your story! Your stories help us to engage donors with what we do so that we can continue to provide scholarships to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in the future.
Let us know by clicking below
Land & Sea - Ezra Akiba
Stay connected
We regularly post QATSIF news and events and raise issues that matter to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.