Applications for the 2017 InspireU Senior Engineering camp are now open.
This camp will be held at The University of Queensland St Lucia campus on the 15th January – 20th January 2017 and is for Year 11 and 12 students who are interested in studying engineering at university.
To be eligible to attend the camp students must meet the following criteria:
(a) Be of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin;
(b) Be enrolled in schooling in Year 11 or Year 12 in 2017;
(c) Be enrolled in Overall Position (OP) subjects and eligible for an OP score;
(d) Studying Maths B; and
(e) Have school attendance rate of 90% or greater.
Preference will also be given to students currently studying at least one or more of either Physics or Chemistry.
Applications will close on Friday 11th November 2016.
For more information on InspireU please visit our website
Applications will close on November 11th 2016 and applicants will be notified by the 18th November 2016.