Closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous educational outcomes starts at the individual school level. Enhancing the understanding, appreciation and connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture in schools is big step towards ending Indigenous educational disadvantage. There are many ways for schools to strengthen their connection, some of which are listed below.
Actively seek Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff at all levels.
Encouraging a dedicated member of your College’s Administration team to actively support your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, parents, staff and wider community
Encouraging your staff who champion Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander educational and cultural activities
Seeking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural immersion and training for all of your staff
Acknowledging your Traditional Custodians at events, in your school diary, newsletters, website etc.
Recognising and advertising your community’s great work with a dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander page on your school website.
As a school, celebrating key Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander events eg. Sorry Day, Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week and recognising these and other significant events in all of your school’s calendars
Having a BBQ, forum or event with your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, school staff and Elders
Speaking with your local Elders and community about a Welcome to Country plaque to be displayed at the entrace to the school
In consultation with your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community developing a sacred space or mural
Having an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family Graduation night with certificates to celebrate the completion of each significant stage in formal education. One P-12 school had a local Aboriginal artist design certificates featuring different significant local animals for Early Years, Junior Years, Middle Years and Senior Years
Develop an annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural experience or camp for one whole year level
Developing an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander school dance troupe
Actively seeking opportunities for your Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to meet with students from other schools, Indigenous Education teams, tertiary institutions, employers, Elders and community organisations
Recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’ successes and perhaps considering an annual award for demonstrated cultural pride and achievement. With permission, this award could be named in honour of a significant Elder
Consider developing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural room or safe space for students (NB - often a controversial topic at schools)
Create an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander newsletter each semester to inform your families and the wider community about your events and achievements.
Images from CulchaStik: Australian Indigenous Images