Yarning With Our Elders Project
(extended to April 1, 2021)
One of our greatest gifts is our Elders’ incredible wealth of knowledge, wisdom, strength & experience.
QATSIF (Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation) in partnership with ACU (Australian Catholic University) is inviting all Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander secondary students to yarn with, learn from, and share the stories, wisdom and cultural heritage of our Elders.
Over the Christmas school holidays and term 1, we are inviting students to yarn with an Elder and record one important aspect of their life. Some examples could be:
What was it like growing up in their local community?
Their Stolen Generations or Stolen Wages story.
What is their advice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people?
Important local traditional language words, their meaning and pronunciation.
An important local traditional story, dance, technology or historical event.
What lessons did they learn from their own Elders?
Students are invited to share their Elder’s story using any appropriate media eg. video, voice recordings, essay, poetry, music, interviews etc. Preferably, presentations should be less than 10 minutes or 5000 words in length (or equivalent).
ACU will assist with collating and preserving these important stories for future generations and offer prizes for outstanding entries. All entries will be recognised with a certificate.
Entries close: Thursday April 1, 2021.
*NB - Students need to adhere to COVID Safe practices if yarning in person with Elders and need to seek their Elder’s permission to share any information.